Beware of scammers’ inducement to make false declaration for withdrawal of MPF

Defrauding Tricks
It has come to MPFA’s attention from time to time that some people purported to be MPF trustees, intermediary companies or MPF intermediaries, via calls, text messages or social media posts, alleged that they could help MPF scheme members to apply for early withdrawal of MPF and then induced or solicited them to make false declarations for early withdrawal of MPF on the grounds of permanent departure from Hong Kong. The scammers would generally charge scheme members a commission or handling fee at a certain percentage of the amount of MPF withdrawn.
Our Advice
Stay alert when receiving any suspicious calls or text messages. Do not disclose your personal data to any unknown third parties.
If you are in doubt about the identity of the alleged intermediary, please check the Public Registers on MPFA’s website ( and contact the principal intermediary or regulatory authority concerned to verify his/her identity.
Before signing any declarations or documents, please ensure you fully understand the contents and details. Do not sign on any blank or incomplete forms.
Do not trust the advice of the intermediary companies or purported intermediaries so as to avoid committing illegal acts inadvertently. Any person who makes a false or misleading statement in this regard to MPFA or MPF trustee commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $100,000 and one year’s imprisonment on a first conviction.
To learn more about MPF matters (including the offence of making a false statement for early withdrawal of MPF), members of the public may visit the Enforcement Alert section on MPFA's website ( Moreover, you may view a short clip produced by the Police Report ( to know more about the defrauding tricks.
Remind your relatives and friends to stay vigilant against deception.
- If you are in doubt, please call the MPFA hotline on 29180102 or the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” hotline for enquiries.